Oh no, looks like your Grayson guy's t-shirt might have been involved in some kind of washer incident.
Didn't know red underwear could do that crap. Oops.
oh god lord !
how do i explain this to grayson now ?
even if i'm sure, pink looks good on him ...
but it was nice of you to clean it. any other damage to your clothes ?
I can give you laundry tips if you want.
I am the perfect house man, I believe,
good to marry as my mother would say ...
Yeah well most dildos are pink so it has to suit Dick pretty good, makes sense.
Meanwhile I am nice.
Thanks to a grateful coincidence, it happens to be the only one impacted.
I don't know, maybe you could tell him that you gave it to ME and he should understand like a big boy.
...wait no don't tell him.
dildos omg omg omg it's so embarassing stop it
HM HM. the ONLY one ? that's convenient, mister.
anyway, i take the shirt, even if it's pink, i will clearify the situation with D. he's nice, he will understand.
wait, what ? i can't tell him I lent his t-shirt to someone who needed it ? why ?
or you talking about the pink accident.
title ?
i don't understand your stupid game anyway.
Dude, did you know that text messages used to be billed individually ? Just saying.
Don't tell him you gave it to ME. He'll ask some idiotic questions and piss me off. Just give him his stupid baby pink t-shirt.
wrong. my phone plan is unlimited. I don't pay. that's no excuse for me to buy you a drink next time !
that's weird.
you two knows each other ?
I'm picking up the t-shirt after work. I will try to repair YOUR pink damages