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Tout à propos de Harleen F. Quinzel

doubles comptes :
bruce t. wayne, roman sionis.
couleur rp :
faceclaim, crédits :
lucy boynton -- (a) lusavor.
pseudo, pronom(s) :
astera (elle/iel).
batarangs récoltés :
date d'inscription :
trombinoscope :
Profil - Harleen F. Quinzel B9198b27182eb5ff09939a68022632afa2d167f2
nom de code :
(( HARLEY QUINN )) the harlequin, in your red and black costume, the partner and princess of crime.
âge du personnage :
(( 34 )) a treacherous existence, abused by events that got the better of you.
occupation :
(( INSANELY CRIMINAL )) if there was a time when observation was your best asset and where your diploma was essential, crime took you to the depths of this dark city.
allégeance :
(( REBEL YELL )) you have always been and will always remain faithful to the joker. you may leave, live bits of life without his presence ; you always come back to him.
liens utiles :
yolo :
Profil - Harleen F. Quinzel A43edfa344d55245be1c7e8961fbd39c Profil - Harleen F. Quinzel 38d594384e6ed580fcad5231b39ca501 Profil - Harleen F. Quinzel 495b485d6836190f319427860ad709e9

SUJETS EN COURS / RP 01 - RP 02 - RP 03

Profil - Harleen F. Quinzel 2gfr

-- and you're lookin' crazy
and you're lookin' wrong,
it looks like we're gonna get along.

and once i've got you, it's a fact,
baby, there's no turning back.
Harleen F. Quinzel
Harleen F. Quinzel
Rang: ◆◇ i'm known to be quite vexing. i'm just forewarning you.
Amis de Harleen F. Quinzel
Harleen F. Quinzel n'a pas encore d'amis